Thursday, 1 March 2018

Major Goodenough's Shotte

This is possibly my favourite unit so far; Major Goodenough's division of commanded shot (the photo is clickable). This Parliamentarian regiment, complete with preacher, received an unlikely baptism during the basing process, when I accidently poured the better part of a bottle of Becks over it. Consequently they are slightly more gloss than their more sober peers, and invariably fight like Achilles!

The minis are from at least half-a-dozen different painters including Shaun McTague and David Imrie - others were odd figures from eBay that I made good. The flag is from Flag's of War.


  1. Splendit job and , what a beautiful
    grassy springtime base!!I love it!!!
    Regards, George.

  2. That is one lovely regiment:)

  3. Well , fuelled by Becks I’ll expect them fight to the last man ! - lovely looking unit

  4. Beautiful figures. Three players in Russia are waiting for the new rules. Tell me, Simon, will there be sheets only for England or for a thirty-year war? Will there be Russian lists?

    1. Thanks Alex! I hope to publish in around a month.

      These rules are very much for the English Civil War, but the mechanics could be used for the 30 YEars War. I intend to write a specific 30 Year War set, later, using the same mechanics, but I have a couple of other things I need to write first! :-)

  5. Lovely unit,your best yet!
    Best Iain

  6. Just discovered this excellent blog...will be interested in acquiring a set of these rules for our own ECW games

    Look forward to saying hello at Salute

    1. Foot Note: Can I be cheeky and ask to reserve a set at Salute??

    2. Thanks Eric! Yes I look forward to saying hello at Saltue. I won't be sellign stuff at Salute but a couple of places will be selling the rules... hopefully I'll be able to get the rules on sale somewhat BEFORE Salute and UK postage is really cheap...

    3. I shall look out for them then before Salute


  7. I will make plenty of noise Eric! :-)
