For King and Parliament
Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Building Norchester
Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Prince Maurice's forming
I recently bought some figures from a friend, George, and have been repainting them as a new regiment, Prince Maurice's, which was conveniently at many of the major battles of the English Civil War. All of the minis are from Bicorne. I will give them red standards.
It took a surprising amount of time (retouching minis always does) but I am now just four minis short of a regiment, and hopefully will be able to field them in the next For King and Parliament Roundway Down game, which will hopefully be at Colours (assuming the table is confirmed, which is very likely).
Unfortunately I don't have a great deal of time for ECW modelling, just now, but I would love to finish these, some extra troopers to complete a "Dutch" regiment, some combined shotte, base some firelocks and some paint baggage before I move on to other pressing projects.
Monday, 23 May 2022
Roundway Down at Partizan
This weekend Andrew Brentnall and I enjoyed a very jolly weekend at Partizan with the Roundway Down game based on the For King and Parliament scenario that we wrote together, a few years ago. The game is perhaps best viewed in this 90-second video.

Saturday, 21 May 2022
Roundway Down Preview
This afternoon Andrew Brentnall and I built the terrain for tomorrow’s big Roundway Down game at Partizan in Newark-on-Trent.
Thursday, 19 May 2022
All the ECW horse
Today chum Ian came around and helped me to sort out all of my ECW cavalry. I say sort- many of the regiments had become mixed up after their last outing (at the Wargames Holiday Centre- three or even four years ago!), and we had to work out what fitted with what. I've recently added three or four new regiments bringing the total to eighteen. You can click on the above image for a closeup.
Better still, I've recorded a brief YouTube video, below, describing them- I think it is the first I've ever posted. I hope you enjoy it.
On Sunday I'll have the majority of these cavalry and a few infantry, too, at Partizan in Newark. I hope to see some of you there!
Monday, 9 May 2022
More Empty Horses
Friday, 25 March 2022
Roundway Down chez Andrew Brentnall
Yesterday I travelled to the deepest wilds of Suffolk for a chat and game with FK&P stealth co-author Andrew Brentnall. He has a lovely dedicated gaming area and set up Roundway Down in a corner of it. I volunteered to play Sir William Waller's Parliamentarians at the top of the hill, and Andrew led Wilmot's plucky, outnumbered (but well-hard) Royalists at the bottom. All the minis are 10/12mm from his collection, and we used Andrew's variant of the scenario for the deployment, as opposed to my variant which has the Parliamentarian horse a little further forward. The unit cards were designed by chum Ian Notter.